Join us on May 3, 2025

It's always rainbow hour during Print Day in May!

Print Day in May is an annual, global celebration of printmaking taking place on the first Saturday in May. The event is free and open to all. On Print Day in May, tens of thousands of printmakers around the world make prints and share their experiences with others. Printmakers celebrate Print Day in May in print shops, studios, kitchens, on beaches, and sidewalks all over the world! As the day unfolds around the globe, participants in over 80 countries join in this powerful celebration of creativity. We share our work on social media and here on the PDiM website with thousands of others, creating a community chain around the world.

Participating in Print Day in May is easy! Just make a print on the first Saturday in May and enjoy the experience of knowing that you are joining a community of tens of thousands of printmakers worldwide. To be eligible for prizes donated by our esteemed sponsors, be sure to share your Print Day creation with us in one of two ways:

  • Share on our blog: Register as a PDiM community member and share your print on our community blog. Tag your post with one or more of our sponsors to be eligible for prizes!
  • Share on social media: Follow and tag @printdayinmay and our sponsors on Instagram and Facebook to enter to win! Be sure to tag us in both your photo and your caption to make sure your post gets the visibility it deserves.

…or make every day Print Day in May by joining the conversation in our Print Day in May Printmakers group.

Active participants interested in further increasing the impact of Print Day in May can join our new Pollinators program: spread the word to printmaking friends and colleagues and you may be eligible for special thank-you gifts from the Print Day team of volunteers!

Check out our community blog

One of the things so many of us have learned during the pandemic, is that art can save lives. It has the power to bring focus and joy, and we are looking forward to sharing and spreading that focus and joy on Print Day in May this year.

Thank you all,
Robynn Smith, Founder

Join us the first Saturday in May. Every year. Always.

Badger, the world famous studio cat