Grass Trees – Rubber Stamps
Didn't get as far as I wanted. Each tree takes about 15 minutes. But here's my Print Day in May rubber stamp print. I am from Western Australia, and these amazing trees are everywhere (as are the snakes)/ They (the trees) take hundreds of years to grow.
PDiM2017, Eugene, OR
Workshop at Whiteaker Printmakers on Print Day in May!
Sharon & Carolyn in Salinas
#AkuaPD2017 #ArnhemPD2017 #SpeedballPD2017 #printdayinmay2017gc
Printing at Blue Mouse Studios today
What a blast! Fun people, good prints, good food and the Kentucky Derby. It was wonderful to check in hourly with the blog and Facebook. Thousands of people all over the world are celebrating what we all love. Yay for Print Day in May! Linda Craighead pulling a pastel transfer:…
Print Day in May
Rising to the occasion... working on the key block for a new series of linocut/monotypes... cheers! #printdayinmay2017gc, #AkuaPD2017, #SpeedballPD2017, #ArnhemPD2017
Great day printing!
Inked up and printed a solarplate today. Love this image from my favorite Paris hotel room's window. And Jodie's jellyfish is gorgeous! Such a great day printing with friends and the rest of the world.