Hello! My name is Stephen Wiggins and the picture above is when I screen printed bags at Half Price Books in Lexington, Kentucky. I am a printmaker and artist born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky. I have my bachelor’s degree in art studio from the University of Kentucky concentrating in painting ironically enough. I did take printmaking including silkscreen and lithography and then after I joined the bluegrass printmakers I learned linocut and etching by becoming a member and taking classes there. Its a local cooperative based in Lexington. I got my associate’s degree in graphic design. I moved to St. Louis last year after picking up a litho press and an etching press and storing those in my garage. In my spare time I have been setting up a print studio in my garage (spoiler alert: IT TAKES A WHILE) Until that day comes to get the studio set up I have been using the facilities of Tom Huck’s Evil Prints Studio as a member making linocut and silkscreen prints! Below you can learn more about me and my fine arts printmaking! I have to say fine arts printmaking whenever I refer to it mainly due to the fact that most people don’t understand printmaking and so if I say fine arts it makes it easier to understand for the general public. I am looking forward to connecting to the other printmakers participating in the print day in May project. Looking forward to connecting with everyone! Below you can find images and other information about the work that I do and where I print.
Here is a shot of some of the equipment in the setup of the studio

Wonderful! Thank you for posting this!