Rosalie Duligal ” Ode to Morandi’
"ODE TO MORADI' printed onto parchment paper A4 The plate I used was a recycled milk carton dry point etching
"ODE TO MORADI' printed onto parchment paper A4 The plate I used was a recycled milk carton dry point etching
'Sacred Kingfisher' was printed on to Fabriano paper . The printed plate was made form a recycled milk carton dry point technic
This print was made using a plastic recycled milk carton. Printed on parchment paper A4
This was printed using a plastic plate dry etching. Printed on Parchment paper A4
Pelican was printed using a recycled milk carton. A dry etching technic the colours were added to the plate left to semi dry then press.
I love Print Day in May. So much fun to be printing with everyone all around the world.
One of 6 monotype prints made on 4th May 2024. It takes me a while for me to settle into printmaking as I mostly paint but I was happy when this little one appeared on the press bed. Inspired whilst seeing the full moon last week.
Yesterday on Print day in May, I printed 10 prints from my collagraph plate Ladybower. The plate was made of card with tiling cement, carboandum, acrylic medium and marks made with a scalpel and a dremmel. It was inked up a la poupee with toothbrushes and printed on a xcut…
“Crab Nebula” is a copper plate etching that transformed itself with the addition of dry point, engraving, and then embellishment with two different roulettes, one a wheel, and one an aquatint rocker. Cut-outs of ECG Echizen Color Gampi paper were added with the chine collé process to add excitement and…
As part of International Print Day I took 3 of my 12" x 12" Shina plywood woodcut blocks to the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts Open Print Studio where I regularly print with area colleagues. I am grateful to the college for hosting local artists and making their Print Studio…