Print Day in May is celebrated on the first Saturday in May, every year. The event celebrates the art and community of printmaking. It’s a day to get together in studios across the world to make prints. Join us as tens of thousands of printmakers spread the joy of printmaking by opening their studios to friends, using their cars as presses, or making handprints in the sand!
Since 2007 Robynn Smith and the MPC Printmakers have devoted the first Saturday in May to printmaking. What began locally in the greater Monterey Bay Area of California has become a worldwide event, coordinated by our small team of Print Day in May volunteers.
Join us! Participating is easy. Just make a print on the first Saturday in May and enjoy the experience of knowing that you are joining a community of tens of thousands of printmakers worldwide! To be eligible for prizes donated by our esteemed sponsors, be sure to share your Print Day creation with us.
- Register as a PDiM community member and share your print on our community blog. Registered participants will also be included in our directory of global printmakers and and receive up to six emailed newsletters per year.
- Share your contributions on Instagram or Facebook using the #printdayinmay hashtag. Be sure to tag our sponsors as well!
…or make every day Print Day in May by joining the conversation in our Print Day in May Printmakers group.
Active participants interested in further increasing the impact of Print Day in May can join our new Pollinators program: spread the word to printmaking friends and colleagues and you may be eligible for special thank-you gifts from the Print Day team of volunteers!
To get in touch, connect with us on social media or drop us a message at