May 6, 2023 marked the 16th Print Day in May!
Traditionally, in the United States and Canada, a 16th birthday celebrates a coming of age. It is a step into adulthood, and the exciting age at which one can legally drive a car. We turned 16 this year, and thanks to you all, we broke new Print Day in May participation records! Check out the #printdayinmay2023 posts on Facebook and Instagram or all the posts in our PDiM blog to see everyone’s posts. See you next year on Saturday, May 4, 2024!
This year’s winners
Congratulations to this year’s winners, brought to you by our fabulous sponsors! Click on any individual image to see a larger version.
Sweet 16 birthday wishes
This year we asked you to send us Sweet 16 birthday wishes for a chance to win one of two limited edition prizes! Thanks to everyone who sent in a greeting! (If yours is missing and you’d like it added, just let us know at printdayinmay@gmail.com!)
Capricornia Printmakers, a studio in Queensland, Australia, hosted a birthday party in PDiM’s honor and sent us a gaggle of birthday prints produced by their members! To show our thanks, they’ll be receiving an original print by PDiM founder Robynn Smith, Stampede:100 Icelandics. This Solarplate etching was created with Caligo Safe Wash ink from PDiM sponsor Cranfield Colours at Blue Mouse Studios in Aptos, California.

Congratulations to printmaker Belinda McGrath and her amazing hand-printed birthday cake! She’ll be receiving a limited edition PDiM hand-printed t-shirt from Hex Press Maui, the mobile printing service operated by PDiM social media manager Tia Brady. Hex Press Maui prints on t-shirts using hand-carved linoleum blocks, delivering custom, wearable art.