Print Day in May – Dish
I love Print Day in May. So much fun to be printing with everyone all around the world.
I love Print Day in May. So much fun to be printing with everyone all around the world.
One of 6 monotype prints made on 4th May 2024. It takes me a while for me to settle into printmaking as I mostly paint but I was happy when this little one appeared on the press bed. Inspired whilst seeing the full moon last week.
Yesterday on Print day in May, I printed 10 prints from my collagraph plate Ladybower. The plate was made of card with tiling cement, carboandum, acrylic medium and marks made with a scalpel and a dremmel. It was inked up a la poupee with toothbrushes and printed on a xcut…
As part of International Print Day I took 3 of my 12" x 12" Shina plywood woodcut blocks to the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts Open Print Studio where I regularly print with area colleagues. I am grateful to the college for hosting local artists and making their Print Studio…
Esse trabalho vem das memórias de uma vida simples, de amor e respeito - e dos caminhos floridos criados em família. Linoleogravura s/papel Opaline A3 300g/m²
Memórias e afetos semeados na vida, onde se formam os fios que tecem os caminhos que me levam ao a[mar]. É neste lugar, no qual uma flor não é uma flor e um ser não é um ser, que tudo se derrama na impossibilidade do significar.
A few monoprints to celebrate my first ripe blackberry of the season in my garden! Made using a gelli plate and acrylic paint. I’m a printmaker in Texas. I enjoy linocut and reduction printing when I have the time! Gelli plate printing has been fun to teach at art camps…
O meu nome é Silvia Campi, de origem italiana, a Bahia me adotou. Bailarina, artista visual, tatuadora...a arte me escolheu e não vivo, de jeito algum sem ela. Tenho um projeto de tatuagens ancestrais (POESIA na PELE) com a técnica HANDPOKE (onde a arte é realizada apenas com uma agulha,…
These are prints on the subject of climate legacy. I love posting these for Print Day in May 2024!