Rosalie Duligal ” Ode to Morandi’
"ODE TO MORADI' printed onto parchment paper A4 The plate I used was a recycled milk carton dry point etching
"ODE TO MORADI' printed onto parchment paper A4 The plate I used was a recycled milk carton dry point etching
'Sacred Kingfisher' was printed on to Fabriano paper . The printed plate was made form a recycled milk carton dry point technic
This print was made using a plastic recycled milk carton. Printed on parchment paper A4
This was printed using a plastic plate dry etching. Printed on Parchment paper A4
Pelican was printed using a recycled milk carton. A dry etching technic the colours were added to the plate left to semi dry then press.
'Heron' they use their long beaks to dig into the sand to catch small fish . I used a milk carton as my etching plate to get this image. It is very tricky but I am enjoying seeing what it can do.
'Cold' Printed on parchment paper, I etched into a milk carton to get this image.
Esse trabalho vem das memórias de uma vida simples, de amor e respeito - e dos caminhos floridos criados em família. Linoleogravura s/papel Opaline A3 300g/m²
Memórias e afetos semeados na vida, onde se formam os fios que tecem os caminhos que me levam ao a[mar]. É neste lugar, no qual uma flor não é uma flor e um ser não é um ser, que tudo se derrama na impossibilidade do significar.