Esse trabalho vem das memórias de uma vida simples, de amor e respeito - e dos caminhos floridos criados em família. Linoleogravura s/papel Opaline A3 300g/m²
Memórias e afetos semeados na vida, onde se formam os fios que tecem os caminhos que me levam ao a[mar]. É neste lugar, no qual uma flor não é uma flor e um ser não é um ser, que tudo se derrama na impossibilidade do significar.
Badger’s Studio Tips and Tricks #3
I will be posting my Tips and Tricks for Studio Cats, from now until Print Day in May on May 4. This is in service to studio cats worldwide. Please join me to help other felines. Let us know what works for you! Badger Tip #3 Sitting directly on a…
Christiane Corcelle – Gelatin Prints
This is my submission for PRINT DAY IN MAY. International print day, May 2, 2020Printing at home during the confinement with non-toxic ink, akua ink on 3 different gelatin plate. One made with only gelatin, one with gelatin and glycerin and one store bought Gel printing plate. Printing on recycled…
Happy Print Day 2020 from Mumbai, India
Hello from Tapan Madkikar, to all Printmakers from all over the world and wish you a very Happy Print Day !!! Due to the pandemic and increased Lock Down, i was not actually printing from my house but i was working sketches and creating some Matrix.But, today, on the occasion…
First print day in May- Bognor Regis UK
So, I decided to make a bookplate for my daughter (who is 13 and loves reading and writing her own stories). A unicorn pegasus was my assigned brief.... Not the easiest challenge. But sketches done in the week it was flipped and reduced to the right size, just smaller than…