Print Day in May – Dish
I love Print Day in May. So much fun to be printing with everyone all around the world.
I love Print Day in May. So much fun to be printing with everyone all around the world.
“Crab Nebula” is a copper plate etching that transformed itself with the addition of dry point, engraving, and then embellishment with two different roulettes, one a wheel, and one an aquatint rocker. Cut-outs of ECG Echizen Color Gampi paper were added with the chine collé process to add excitement and…
Esse trabalho vem das memórias de uma vida simples, de amor e respeito - e dos caminhos floridos criados em família. Linoleogravura s/papel Opaline A3 300g/m²
Memórias e afetos semeados na vida, onde se formam os fios que tecem os caminhos que me levam ao a[mar]. É neste lugar, no qual uma flor não é uma flor e um ser não é um ser, que tudo se derrama na impossibilidade do significar.
These are prints on the subject of climate legacy. I love posting these for Print Day in May 2024!
Two monotypes hand printed on paper from @thejppofficial (one on Tatami Yellow, one on Dai Chiri Green) using black ink from @cranfieldcolours. Size 8x8 inches and 8x6 inches.
Two relief prints created for #PrintDayinMay 2024. One is 6x6 inches, the other 6x3 inches. Both are printed on Dai Chiri Green paper from @thejppofficial and inked with black from @cranfieldcolours. The barn was carved a while ago from a sketch I did of a favourite lakeside picnic spot. The…
Helen Cantrell, woodcut on Japanese Kozo paper, paper size 35"x25", printed May 5, 2024, at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts printmaking studio.
A recent visit to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, provided the inspiration for this woodblock print. Natural beauty!