- Do you remember the first print you ever made?
Foundation course – it was a reductive lino cut of a red peppper!
2. Are you a trained artist ~ do you think that’s important?
Yes, BA and MA at the Royal Academy of Art, London. Not important, but useful in providing a good run of free time to explore and experiment.
3. What type of printmaking techniques do you favour and why?
Etching – non toxic. It allows a prolonged engagement with a plate and has an enormous tonal range.
4. What projects are you currently working on?
A series of paintings meshing two figures together (as seen above.)
5. What drives you to make prints?
It influences painting in a healthy way through its emphasis on drawing and building history through re-working.
6. Who has been an important mentor in your life?
Norman Ackroyd at the RA.
7. Which art materials do you favour and why?
Charbonnel Inks ~ they have excellent, rich blacks.

Steve is teaching a mono type printing workshop at Pegasus Art, Gloucestershire on Saturday 13th April, taking inspiration from Edgar Degas. Read a longer blog about his prolific printing period here.