Black Gully Printmakers

We are a small, enthusiastic group of printmakers, who have the privilege of access to a studio space in the Museum of Printing at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) where we are able to use some of the old presses such as the Albion. We are located in the beautiful New England region of NSW Australia, in a small university city called Armidale.

A number of printmakers were in the studio this afternoon. We opened for @printdayinmay and had visitors keen to discuss what techniques were being used for getting the image ready, and then printing it. These included monotype, etching on copper plate, etching on solar plate, stamping onto fabric, letterpress, hand burnishing relief images into tissue for use as chine colle, and relief designs for wallpaper and cards.

#printmakersofinstagram #printisnotdead #wallpaper #chinecolle #etching #solarplate #cardmaking #fabricprinting #reliefprinting #paperworkslocal #letterpress @lizzie_horne @the_trippers1 @dinny.perry @j_engel_harris @chen.qier @putonthejam @biggork @lyekel @neramuseum

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