Print day in May 2021@ Cranfield Colours factory

It’s been a tough year to be creative, at least that’s been the experience for some us here at Cranfield where despite access to presses, space, inks and paper, we have at times lacked energy or inspiration to make art. Members of the team here are encouraged to use our facilities to produce artwork and we are fortunate to have screen, relief, etching and litho presses, but somehow none of us have made much progress.

I imagine it is a similar sensation for those who work in a chocolate cake factory. I suspect when really busy, they lose their appetite for chocolate cake! So we are grateful that PDiM comes to the rescue yet again, bang on time at the perfect moment. As well as wanting to take part, because it remains such a great event, we are using 1st May as our opportunity to re-energise our studio space. We all like a friendly challenge here, so the task we have set ourselves if that everyone must produce a print. It must be from a plate or surface that requires no more than 10 minutes preparation. It must be no larger than 210 x 197 mm, it must be printed in an earth colour.

Oh and I nearly forgot, it can’t mention Covid19.

Rachel Rowe

Sales Director

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  1. Robynn

    Fantastic!!!!~ I miss you all. Next year for sure…