Printmaking at Pt. Elliot in South Australia

We had a great response to ‘Print Day in May’ in Pt. Elliot on the beautiful South Coast of South Australia. The coast line near the studio is inspirational and in the next couple of months, it will be home to Southern Right Whales who will give birth in the sheltered bays from the small townships of Goolwa to Victor Harbour.


It was a day of exchanging information, sharing skills, lots of laughter and seeing people print for the very first time and being engaged by the magic of the press. Experienced printmakers were so generous with their time and support for this special day. We think that this is a trait common to printmakers throughout the international community! A range of techniques and materials were available to participants from dry point to photo polymer and lino. Despite being winter, the weather was so beautiful that we were able to do some cyanotypes.

Kate Cyanotype

Kate and Maggie  Shed 9

Kate 2

The image of the dragonfly has been created by Kate Toop for a photo polymer plate and we used the original negative for a cyanotype.

Shed 9 1

We flew as many international flags as possible around the ‘Quick Whippet Studio’ at Shed 9 but given that this was a global event, the United Nation’s flag was very appropriate. Next year, we are going to get some decent flagpoles!

Kindle 1

Afterwards, we all headed down to the beach for a walk with the ‘quick whippet’ after a rewarding day!



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  1. Robynn

    Sonya, huge congrats on Quick Whippet! I’m so happy for you! An many thanks for getting us hooked up in Antarctica!
    Sending lots of love,

  2. Julia

    I must come and have a look at your studio! A great location!